Wardell Armstrong Proven to Demonstrate High Quality EIA Services

Our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) team recently passed the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment’s (IEMA) EIA Quality Mark review for the 2019/20 term, demonstrating the high quality of our EIA services.

Being a member of the IEMA EIA Quality Mark means that clients can be sure that their Environmental Statement is being prepared by ‘competent experts’, as required by the EIA Regulations.

As part of the review IEMA interviewed members of the EIA team in our Stoke and Birmingham offices, to assess our EIA management and team capabilities. IEMA also reviewed a randomly selected Environmental Statement prepared by our team. Membership of the EIA Quality Mark also requires us to submit a number of articles, presentations and case studies to IEMA each year.

IEMA particularly like our EIA-specific induction and performance checklists, and the support Wardell Armstrong provides for professional development. IEMA have defined us as a ‘low risk’ organisation, and therefore we do not need to be reviewed again until 2022.

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