Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) | What Is It and Does Your Company Need It?
The Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) policy is enforced through the Companies (Director’s Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018 and came in to force on the 1st April 2019.
The SECR will apply to all companies listed on the Stock Exchange (Quoted Companies) and UK companies with over 250 employees or an annual turnover of more than £36m or an annual balance sheet of over £18m.
Those companies are required to disclose energy and carbon information in their accounts and reports, including:
- UK energy use (to include as a minimum purchased electricity, gas and transport, outlined in more detail in Section 7).
- Associated greenhouse gas emissions.
- At least one intensity ratio (outlined in section 8).
- Previous year’s figures for energy use and GHG emissions (except in the first year).
- Information about energy efficiency action taken in the organisation’s financial year.
- Methodologies used in calculation of disclosures.
This mandatory reporting framework replaces the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC EES) and extends the scope of mandatory carbon reporting to include large unquoted companies and limited liability partnerships in addition to Quoted companies.
Wardell Armstrong provides comprehensive advice on carbon accounting and reporting services and can prepare a compliant SECR report for input into the Director’s Report or an independent Corporate Report depending on client needs.
We also support our clients in collecting data for year on year reporting by developing appropriate tools for capturing energy and carbon data.