Owners and developers need to understand the full extent of their rights and any potential encumbrances associated with mineral rights. Our Chartered Mineral Surveyors are experts in identifying who owns what and are used to explaining complex and historic mineral reservations. We can also provide research and mapping services to supplement legal advice on title and support disputes and other legal proceedings.
Our GIS specialists are used to working with mineral title deeds and have access to modern mapping software that meets Land Registry requirements. We also work with clients to highlight potential minerals encroachment and commercial opportunities for delivering clean title to surface owners and developers.
Wardell Armstrong is mineral agent for the Crown Estate and the Crown Estate Scotland and looks after their onshore mineral portfolios.
Further information about the onshore mineral portfolios can be found on the respective websites:
We are also managing agent for Mines Royal (naturally occurring gold and silver) throughout the UK and any enquiries on this matter should be sent to: minesroyal@wardell-armstrong.com
Valuation is a highly specialised area and requires knowledge of geology, mineral production techniques, mineral markets, town and country planning, and valuation methods. Our RICS Registered Valuers are all Chartered Mineral Surveyors and are experienced in providing Red Book valuations for taxation, acquisitions and disposals, minerals sterilisation, mining code and compulsory purchase. Our advice on minerals sterilisation is supported by sound technical understanding of engineering and operational factors. We also provide income forecasting and financial reporting for clients. We collaborate with other in-house specialists to deliver full due diligence services for sales and acquisitions and to provide advice on potential liabilities and restoration bonds.
We negotiate leases and contracts that deliver on a commercial and practical level. Our mineral surveyors understand mineral ownership and the technical issues associated with quarrying and mining. This means we resolve planning, operational, and potential liabilities during the negotiation stage, avoiding potential future conflicts. Understanding our clients’ concerns and aspirations are key to delivering terms that work for both the landlord and tenant. Our experience across the UK minerals and waste management industries also means that we have access to a wide range of market evidence to support our commercial proposals.
We are well known for providing robust lease management services to ensure sites are developed and restored in a responsible manner. Our services are tailored to suit client needs and typically include inspections to monitor operations and to ensure lease compliance, rent collection, audits to check rental returns against company accounts and other records, rent reviews, calculating and monitoring restoration bonds and all aspects of landlord and tenant relationships. Our land surveyors are also available to carry out volumetric checks on materials and to any confirm ownership and boundary queries.
We can also provide expert witnesses across a range of disciplines if matters are referred to third party determination or legal proceedings.
We provide independent and expert witness services across all aspects of mineral and waste management. Our most senior Chartered Mineral Surveyors have over 25 years’ experience and have provided objective expert opinion at public inquiries, in court, and in mediations. We understand that a professional approach and relevant technical experience is paramount when delivering credible and impartial evidence.
We can also provide expert witnesses across a diverse range of technical disciplines.
We advise owners and other stakeholders on the potential liabilities and management of abandoned mineral workings and closed landfill sites. Almost every region of the UK has been subject to the working of minerals by underground methods. Shallow mine workings and historic mine entries can present a risk to public safety and can potentially present adverse impacts on the stability of surface structures and infrastructure. We have experience of investigating and evaluating these risks and providing advice on treatment and remediation.
Working with our GIS team, our surveyors and engineers can develop bespoke databases and management tools to help landowners deliver and record a comprehensive programme of inspections and treatment across their landholdings.
Our surveyors bring together owners and operators to realise the development potential of their mineral assets and to inform their investment decisions.
We can help at all stages of the appraisal and development process starting with initial geological desk studies, site investigations and economic appraisals of the project. Our geologists, mining engineers, environmental and landscape teams collaborate with clients to devise and design responsible development schemes supported by sound EIA practices. Wardell Armstrong planners and permit specialists have an impressive track record of guiding and supporting clients through the complex regulatory systems governing the development of minerals and waste assets.
Built development, utilities and infrastructure projects often impact on mineral interests and we can help developers and owners through the potential pitfalls and challenges. Our Chartered Surveyors are experts in investigating mineral ownership and delivering advice on issues such as asset protection, securing minerals title by negotiation or compulsory purchase, and minerals trespass/encroachment. We bring together knowledge of geology, construction, mineral extraction, and planning policy to deliver comprehensive solutions.
We also provide specialist reports to help developers understand the potential commercial value of the underlying minerals and to overcome the potential barriers presented by mineral safeguarding policies and other protections afforded by Local Planning Authorities and development plans.