Dynamic and engaging place champions, our 20 strong landscape team are fully registered with the Landscape Institute delivering projects across all major sectors. Our leaders are experts in their field with specialist knowledge in landscape planning, renewable energy, and landscape and public realm design.

We have a passion for design that maximises the site, connectivity and sense of place to achieve timeless quality. We understand the complexities of development and the planning system and have developed a landscape led approach to enable development in sensitive locations such as within designed landscapes, conservation areas and historic estates.

Founded in deliverability and technical robustness, our team also bring the vision, creativity and flair to drive your project forward.

Creating inspirational places that people want to use, live and work in is our primary motivation and our award winning landscape design team develop proposals across all major sectors. Turning concepts into reality, our team are pragmatic designers with a strong sense of vision and design flair. We are currently engaged on numerous schools, university campuses, hospitals, destination landscapes and residential projects at a range of scales and delivery stages. Our team are expert in facilitating development in complex sites and relish the opportunity to work with you through the planning process to deliver exemplary quality landscapes.

Wardell Armstrong is experienced in providing LVIA for both Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and non-EIA development cross the UK.  As an accredited practice registered with the Landscape Institute, Wardell Armstrong follows guidance provided in the GLVIA 3rd edition and published guidance from Natural England and SNH. We can carry out tall building assessment and townscape and seascape assessment.

Wardell Armstrong has experience in all sectors including built development, energy, utilities, infrastructure, and minerals, including for planning applications in protected landscapes such as National Parks, AONBs and Registered Parks and Gardens. Our team includes qualified landscapes architects with experience of complex public inquiries.  Our assessments are supported by zones of theoretical visibility and photomontages, all of which are prepared inhouse.  We can also provide strategic advice for feasibility studies and representations to the Development Plan Process. Our ability to use a range of software tools allows us to communicate efficiently with other professionals such as engineers and architects.  Our design skills allow us to integrate our LVIA assessment findings with site design to achieve the best sustainable and environmentally sensitive solutions for clients.

Wardell Armstrong is experienced in providing character appraisal for both Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and non-EIA development across the UK.  As an accredited practice registered with the Landscape Institute, Wardell Armstrong follows guidance provided in the GLVIA 3rd edition and published character guidance from Natural England and SNH including on seascape and townscape assessment.

Our team includes qualified landscapes architects with experience of complex public inquiries.  We can provide strategic character assessment to support planning authorities and developers in understanding site suitability for development and baseline evidence and sensitivity study to support development plan allocations including for green belt assessment.

Establishing a framework for change, our strategic masterplans are based on the principles  of sustainability, community, placemaking and long term viability. Embedded in local policy and design best practice, we work with leading architects to develop an approach which is truly landscape-led and which recognises the importance of multi-disciplinary working, bringing together the outcomes of our landscape and visual impact mitigations, ecological assessments, cultural heritage and transportation factors to determine the best long term vision.  We are currently delivering a wide range of masterplans and design guidance to support community growth, university campus expansion and major mixed use developments.

Enlivening our communities and supporting greater community engagement, community ownership and place appeal, our landscape architects are placemaking champions. Our projects aim to promote ways of improving people’s health, happiness and well being and we are strong advocates of the four key placemaking principles:

  • activity;
  • image/ appeal;
  • connectivity; and
  • sociability.

Our experienced team recognise the importance of a community led approach and we have successfully integrated community consultations, town centre charrettes and stakeholder engagement exercises into the design process. We use this to inform a wide range of projects including urban regeneration, community growth, institutional environments, hospitals and care facilities.

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