Our transport planning team has extensive experience in the design of award-winning innovative streetscape design solutions based on the latest design guidance to provide quality urban spaces that make walking, cycling and public transport more attractive and maximise the potential of public realm in meeting the challenges of climate change.
Transport and mobility within both urban and rural environments are rapidly changing as we seek to address climate change challenges through the opportunities provided by active travel and placemaking projects. Our team have extensive experience in designing and delivering strategic active travel corridors and public realm schemes from feasibility, grant funding through to detailed design. Our team are fluent in applying the latest active travel design principles and best practice to demonstrate a robust evidence base to the delivery of innovative / deliverable designs.
Regardless of the type of development, feasibility studies are a key initial element of any development. In order to determine that a particular area of land can be developed for any specific use, providing a preliminary consideration of highways issues is a critical aspect.
Our transport planning team can provide a wide range of initial feasibility appraisals that will identify any major development constraints including access requirements and planning policy considerations and provide commentary on the potential feasibility of the scheme. We also develop innovative, deliverable, preliminary highway designs for site accesses and associated transport infrastructure to support development feasibility.
Wardell Armstrong works closely with architects, master planners and developers to assist them in the planning, design and delivery of development projects across a range of sectors including residential, commercial, leisure, energy infrastructure and education. Our expertise in traffic planning and engineering provides a critical contribution to development planning, for example through the identification of an appropriate access strategy for all modes, identification of likely planning considerations, contributions and mitigation alongside the development of phasing plans.
We prepare Transport Statements and Assessments based on the latest local and national guidance to demonstrate that sites can be safely accessed by all modes in a sustainable way and where necessary develop cost effective mitigation strategies to facilitate commercially viable schemes.
We prepare Travel Plans to assist business’s and developers in promoting sustainable and active travel initiatives, reducing car use and mitigating the environmental aspects of development.
Our transport planning team has extensive experience in undertake abnormal load route reviews to support energy infrastructure development throughout the UK and Ireland. Using specialist software we are able to build bespoke swept path models of any abnormal load and associated transport set-up to accurate predict the required load movement envelope. This service allows the identification of access issues and associated mitigation solutions at the feasibility stage in order determine the likely risk profile associated with both commercial and consenting risks of projects at an early stage. Additional services we can provide include the provision of Traffic Management Plans to facilitate the movement of abnormal loads through discussions with relevant stakeholders including roads authorities and the police.
Wardell Armstrong provides Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for a range of development types, including residential development, retail, storage and distribution, renewable energy, waste facilities, utilities and minerals.
Our transport team has experience of assessing the impacts and identifying bespoke mitigation for a range of projects including energy infrastructure and mining projects as well as projects within sensitive rural areas with limited existing infrastructure.
We prepare traffic and transport submissions for the completion of Environmental Statements, in line with the latest IEMA guidelines and EIA regulations and also have extensive experience of dealing with purification of planning conditions including bespoke Construction Traffic Management Plans.
Our engineers have a wide range of experience in the design of roads and highways from simple junctions, estate and industrial roads to gyratory systems, more complex junctions and distributor link roads.
We can prepare the detailed design drawings (ie horizontal and vertical alignment, drainage, and associated infrastructure etc) in accordance with the relevant design standards and submit them to the Highway Authority for technical approval and incorporation into the relevant sectional agreement (eg Section 38 and Section 278) to enable both public and private sector developments.