Wardell Armstrong’s Ecology and Biodiversity specialists provide expert advice to schemes at all stages of development, from early-stage feasibility studies to post-construction monitoring. Our specialists are members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) and are licensed by regulators to work with protected species. Wardell Armstrong is also proud to be a CIEEM Registered Practice.

Our experience covers infrastructure, mineral extraction, transport, energy production, transmission and distribution, waste, water and residential sectors.

We have a proven track record of delivering our clients ambitions, facilitating development that is both ecologically friendly and biodiverse. With a 60-strong permanent/full-time team, we can cover any requirement, and we present below just a selection of our capabilities.

Wardell Armstrong’s specialists undertake all types of survey relating to ecology and biodiversity. Surveys form the basis of detailed assessments often required to facilitate development.

We routinely survey for badger, bats, birds, dormice, great crested newt, otter, reptiles water voles and we also routinely undertake Phase 1 habitat surveys, UKHAB habitat surveys, habitat condition assessment and national vegetation classification.

Ecological Impact Assessment considers the impact of a proposed development upon ecology and biodiversity receptors identified through surveys. It is a process by which development proposals are carefully moulded to take account of the ecology and biodiversity that is already present, and to enhance it where possible.

It is a procedurally complex exercise, and one which Wardell Armstrong excels at, having been awarded the right to display the independent Institute of Environmental Management and Assessments mark of excellence. Our experts will competently and confidently guide your scheme design in a proportionate and efficient manner.

Whether for newly consented proposals, or as part of Permitted Development rights, there are occasions when ecology and biodiversity receptors must be relocated to facilitate development. In such instances, it is often necessary to employ bespoke mitigation measures. Our specialists can design such measures and apply for the necessary consents/licences/permits to enable their implementation.

We go one step further than many of our competitors in this respect, by not only designing/managing and then supervising the undertaking of such measures, but also by physically implementing them, including with the use of plant machinery and without the need for 3rd part contractors.

The Environment Act 2021 will lead to the mandatory requirement for all new development to achieve a 10% gain in biodiversity. Gains will be delivered primarily through enhancement/creation of natural/semi natural habitat, and values will be measured using a metric created by DEFRA.

Wardell Armstrong has substantial experience of guiding development through this new environmental process, and has already used the process to help secure a number of planning consents. We can help a project to deliver a net gain in biodiversity whether it be at an early feasibility stage, or as part of discharge of a planning condition.

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