New developments might be sensitive to existing noise or might create new noise – or both. The National Planning Policy Framework recognises that health and quality of life should be protected when new developments are being proposed, and that existing businesses should not be restricted by changes in land use. Conflicting aims need to be reconciled to allow development to take place, and this depends often on the use of good acoustic design. Wardell Armstrong has long experience of assessing and balancing the requirements of different land-uses to achieve innovative and workable solutions.

Our trained team of environmental noise experts have an extensive knowledge of all aspects of environmental noise assessment. Noise is frequently an important issue with local planning authorities requiring noise assessments in support of planning applications. These include residential, industrial and minerals applications, where noise can be a determining factor. We have extensive experience of noise surveys, assessment and modelling for a wide range of developments. We can help to inform the master-planning process, provide advice regarding mitigation measures, prepare environmental statements and environmental permits and to prepare expert evidence on noise issues to support planning appeals.

Construction noise can have a disturbing effect on nearby sensitive receptors, and should be considered as part of any development. Construction noise and vibration impacts at receptors can be varied, and often reduced, using simple techniques.

An assessment would normally consist of a baseline noise survey at sensitive receptors, noise modelling to determine the potential level of construction noise and mitigation design. The construction noise assessment can be prepared to be included into a construction environmental management plan (CEMP) and/or to discharge a planning condition.

The acoustics of a building have a significant effect on the overall internal environment of a space. Good acoustic design provides an enjoyable acoustic environment and avoids potentially costly remedial works. It’s not just bricks and mortar, there are a number of other elements including absorption and insulation which play a part in the overall user experience.

We take an involved approach towards designing the internal acoustics of a building to ensure that it meets your requirements, applicable guidance and Building Regulations and is delivered to the end client on specification and on time. Our experience includes the acoustic design of residential, education, healthcare and mixed-use buildings.

Entertainment noise can include noise from music venues, music festivals, temporary events, restaurants, pubs, clubs, cinemas, studios or gyms.

Generally, the entertainment venues are inherently noisy and there is a track record of noise complaints. Wardell Armstrong can provide advice on how to prevent noise breakout from venues and protect noise sensitive developments. Similarly, we can help design internal spaces to suit a variety of entertainment uses to ensure an enjoyable acoustic environment.

Our experienced acoustics team  is up to date with the current industry views and practice with regards to entertainment noise and can help protect both residents and venues alike. We believe that the cultural value held by existing entertainment venues has an important role in society and must be protected, while allowing further developments to proceed.

Noise at Work assessments are carried out as a legal requirement in new or altered industrial and commercial premises, for insurance purposes, or to support court claims for noise induced hearing loss.

Where possible, detailed noise readings are taken in existing premises, or noise predictions might be required where the premises are not yet present. where premises are no longer present, or plant and machinery has changed significantly, historic documents may be examined and employees interviewed to estimate likely past noise exposure levels.

Our team has experience of carrying out vibration monitoring in relation to transport related sources such as roach and rail and construction activities including piling. Vibration assessments are carried out in relation to proposed construction activities, large scale transportation developments, proposed residential areas close to potential vibration sources such as rail lines and for quarry blasting. Effects are assessed with regard to human response and effects on the integrity of structures.

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