
Service Area: Mine Engineering
Location: Kazakhstan
Date: 2015

The Pre-Feasibility Study of the Lomonosovskoye iron ore project in northern Kazakhstan was undertaken by Wardell Armstrong International in support of Kazax Minerals Inc (KMI). Wardell Armstrong International developed the geotechnical and hydrogeological site investigations that were undertaken under Wardell Armstrong International’s supervision; the results of these studies were then fed into the design of the open pit design with a design capacity of 16Mtpa. The design of the Beneficiation Plant and site infrastructure was undertaken by third party consultants under the management of Wardell Armstrong International. The identification of the testwork samples was undertaken and the testwork planned to be undertaken in Wardell Armstrong International’s inhouse laboratory in the UK. The project concluded in 2015 with the publication of the Pre-Feasibility Study after which Wardell Armstrong International has been advising KMI on the development of the Feasibility Study under the JORC Code (2012).

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