East Anglia One Offshore Wind Farm

Service Area: CDM Services (Health & Safety), Ecology, Field Archaeology, Site Investigation, Soils and Peat
Location: Suffolk
Date: 2017 - Present

Wardell Armstrong acted as primary archaeological contractor for the 37km onshore cable route for the £2.5bn 714MW East Anglia One offshore wind farm. Working on behalf of Iberdrola, 11 archaeological subcontractors worked across 56 individual sites, mitigating 23.5 hectares of archaeology. The works were the largest archaeological project undertaken in the United Kingdom during 2017 and were completed in 10 months.

The cable route extended from Bawdsey in the east to Bramford in the west following a route to the north of Ipswich. Complex, multi-period sites were encountered across the route and provided evidence of occupation from the Neolithic through later prehistory, the Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon period, finally terminating in Medieval occupation.

At its peak, 250 archaeologists provided by both Wardell Armstrong and their subcontractors were engaged in the archaeological monitoring of groundworks, excavation and watching briefs across the route. They were supported by an on-site Wardell Armstrong management team consisting of archaeologists, ground investigation and soil management specialists, ecologists, a NEBOSH qualified health and safety officer. A further commercial and contracts team worked form the London, Stoke and Bolton offices.

Works have now progressed into the post-excavation assessment stage. This is being co-ordinated by Wardell Armstrong and employing a select group of East Anglia One subcontractors. In total, the excavation yield 2300kg of small finds and 7000 bulk samples. The assessment is expected to be completed early in 2019 and will be followed by a further stage of analysis and publication.

EA1 Archaeology

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