Planning Won at Appeal in Grounds of Grade II Listed Building

Our Planning, Heritage and Arboriculture teams achieved a great result for their client by securing full planning permission at appeal for a new dwelling within the grounds of a Grade II Listed Building.

The property, a Grade II Listed 17th Century former farmhouse, is set within the wider landscape setting of the Cleveland Hills, and outside a settlement boundary in Hambleton District in North Yorkshire.

Our multi-disciplinary approach involved a thorough review of the site and an assessment of significance of the heritage asset; a carefully considered design response demonstrating that the proposal would form another piece in the story of the hierarchy of the buildings within the setting of the building. Our Arboriculture team undertook a full Arboricultural Impact Assessment together with a shadowing analysis to overcome previous concerns over potential impacts on protected trees. This analysis was presented within a Planning and Design and Access Statement and Heritage Assessment.

Hambleton Council had refused the application on a number of grounds, but we successfully argued that the application site was a neutral element of the building’s setting and the resulting change to the setting from the proposals would cause no harm to its significance.

Despite the location of the site outside the defined settlement limits, the Inspector agreed with our case presented at appeal that it harmed neither the existing built form and character of the village nor the character or appearance of the open countryside and allowed the appeal.

Thanks also to Harrogate Architectural team for their sensitive design work.Planning Won at Appeal in Grounds of Grade II Listed Building

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