Planning Permission Secured for Renewable Energy Park at Keele University

Wardell Armstrong has obtained a land mark planning permission for a renewable energy park to be located at Keele University. The consent includes provision for 2x1MW wind turbines, 7.7MWp of solar PV and up to 10MWh of battery storage. The energy park will form a key component of the University’s Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND) project that will see the campus transformed into Europe’s only at scale low carbon energy technology test bed.

Wardell Armstrong have been involved in the project since its inception and have worked closely with the University from the early technical and financial feasibility staged through Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and planning and will continue to support the University through the ongoing OJEU compliant tendering process that will identify a suitable partner to deliver and maintain the assets and also in discharging planning conditions.

The project was particularly challenging given the challenging national planning environment for renewable energy, and as the site falls within a historic park and garden, and the green belt. As such a special circumstances had to be clearly demonstrated to allow the project to progress. In addition, the technical teams at Wardell Armstrong produced a detailed package of mitigation to alleviate statutory concerns.

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