Planning Permission Secured by Wardell Armstrong for the Proposed Kenoteq Demonstration Building

Wardell Armstrong are delighted to be involved in securing planning permission and assisting in the building warrant for the proposed Kenoteq demonstration building at the Hamilton Waste & Recycling site in East Lothian, which was granted planning permission in January 2019.

The demonstration structure will be constructed from Kenoteq’s innovative brick product which is created from 90% recycled material. Furthermore, the brick requires 10% of the energy input required to produce traditional fired brick. The brick therefore represents a dramatic improvement in terms of material and energy usage, and hence carbon footprint. The brick has the potential to revolutionise the sustainability of the construction industry.

Kenoteq are a spin out company from Heriot Watt University.

Prof Gabriela Medero and Dr Sam Chapman, of Heriot Watt, stated “We are proud and excited to have come up with this concept, and taken it to the point where we are ready to construct our demonstration building. The help from Hamilton Waste & Recycling, and the invaluable funding from Zero Waste Scotland, Construction Scotland Innovation Centre and Scottish Enterprise, as well as support from SEPA, has helped make this a reality.”

David Hamilton, Hamilton Waste & Recycling stated “The Kenoteq brick uses recycled materials that we produce and will divert significant volumes of waste from landfill. We are impressed with the brick and how well the brick making process fits into our facility. We look forward to the demonstration building gaining planning permission and being built at our facility.”

Neil Sutherland, Director at Wardell Armstrong, said “We are delighted to be able to be involved in a project that really can revolutionise the sustainability of the construction industry. The demonstration building is a statement of intent. It will prove the technical qualities of the Kenoteq brick and the possibilities that the remarkable colour options can bring. Helping make this amazing idea a reality is one of the most satisfying things we can do.”

Perhaps most importantly the demonstration building, once constructed, will provide a route for the construction industry to significantly improve its environmental credentials, and will show Kenoteq and Hamilton Waste & Recycling as leaders in developing and supporting this important progression.

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