Edinburgh BioQuarter
Landscape and Public Realm Design Appointment
Setting place making at the heart of the design
Wardell Armstrong’s Landscape Team are thrilled to be appointed by the BioQuarter Project Partners (Scottish Enterprise, NHS Lothian, the University of Edinburgh and City of Edinburgh Council) to lead the landscape and public realm proposals for major developments within the Masterplan area.
Key projects underway are the University of Edinburgh’s Institute of Regeneration and Repair building and Exhibition Walk, a major pedestrian boulevard linking the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh on the north of the site with the major commercial and academic developments on the south. These exciting and technically complex projects will set a benchmark for the site as it develops and are strongly focused on identity, place making and the creation of a distinctive, interactive city quarter.
Wardell Armstrong’s Landscape Architecture team will be working closely with the project partners and the design team including: Stantec, Goodsons Associates and Michael Laird Architects.