DCO Application for Dogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farms is Accepted

We are delighted to hear that the Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the DBS (Dogger Bank South) Offshore Wind Farms has been accepted into the UK Planning Inspectorate examination phase. Dogger Bank South (East) and Dogger Bank South (West), a joint venture between RWE and Masdar, are set to be located over 100km off the northeast coast of England and will feature up to 200 turbines, delivering a combined estimated capacity of 3GW – enough to power up to three million UK homes!

Wardell Armstrong have been involved in developing the projects since the early stages in 2021 and have provided design support to the project development team for the onshore civil engineering aspects of the project, namely the wind farms’ transmission cables landfall (where cables transition from the marine to onshore environment), the onshore cable route, obstacle crossings and the substation. We have been involved from the initial site finding stage, identifying and assessing potential alternatives, through to developing the designs on which the consent application and associated environmental assessment work is based. Our team also designed, specified and supervised site investigation at critical locations identified on the proposed cable route and substation site which was undertaken in 2023.

Following submission of the DCO application, we continue to work closely with colleagues on the project, including our client’s own engineering, development, consenting, land and legal teams, as well as their external other consultants advising on environmental, land and legal matters.

The image shows a borehole being drilled as part of the site investigation undertaken in 2023.

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