Nebosh Accredited Centre

Dates for NEBOSH Health & Safety Training at Wardell Armstrong Announced

New year, new challenge!

Wardell Armstrong are pleased to announce further dates for the NEBOSH National General Certificate (NGC) in Occupational Safety and Health, commencing on Monday 7th January 2019. (NGC1 delivered during week one 7 – 11 January, followed by GC2 in week two 21 – 25 January.) The course runs for two weeks with written examinations on 29th January 2019.

Delivered from our Head Office and modern training facilities in Stoke-on-Trent, our experienced tutors can provide you with the necessary foundation health and safety technical expertise and knowledge you need to help you make your career a success. We have achieved 100% successful pass rate.

NEBOSH Certificate-level qualifications give a good foundation in health and safety for managers, supervisors and staff with health and safety among their day to day responsibilities. These qualifications are widely taken as a first step towards a career in health and safety and are accepted by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) in meeting the academic requirements for Technical Membership of IOSH (Tech IOSH) and associate membership of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (AIIRSM).

There is limited availability for this popular training course, so please register your interest before Friday 9th November 2018 by emailing Technical Director, Ian Durber, who will send you an information pack with more details about the course.

More information on our Health and Safety Training can be found by clicking here.

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