Construction Begins on £32m Household Waste Recycling Centre

Construction work has begun on a Household Waste Recycling Centre and Waste Transfer Station on a former factory site in Aldridge, Walsall. A workshop and reuse shop will also be built for staff to refurbish items that would otherwise have been thrown away and will then be sold. The £32m scheme is set to take in 40,000 tonnes of rubbish each year.

Wardell Armstrong has been involved with this project since the feasibility stage, and have continued to be involved post planning approval, including assisting with contractor procurement and managing the design contract with Morgan Sindall, and finalising the build contract. Our Environmental Planning Team successfully gained planning permission for the facility in 2022.

Since April this year, we have been the Client Project Manager, Supervisor and Owners Engineer for the construction of the facility. Our Project Manager role involves running the NEC construction contract, managing Walsall Councils chosen contractor, Morgan Sindall, and acting as the liaison between them and the Council (in conjunction with Aitkens Realis who are providing Quantity Surveying services), as well as advising the Council on technical issues and progress. Supervisor is a named role in the NEC contract and ensures that the Contractor is meeting the correct quality and Scope of Works. As the Owners Engineer, we view the Contractors designs to ensure that they meet the Scope and make suggestions where appropriate. This is completed by our technical teams, mainly civil and structural engineering, but we expect to have input from several teams across the build.

The Household Waste Recycling Centre and Waste Transfer Station is part of Walsall Council’s strategy to modernise and enhance waste management services within the area, and is expected to be completed by 2026.

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