Christine Blackmore and FAME Project Win Prestigious IOM3 Awards
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) presents a range of Awards, Medals and Prizes to recognise individual, corporate or group achievement. The most important IOM3 Awards are their Premier Awards, presented annually at a Black Tie dinner at the London HQ. This year the awards ceremony was held on Tuesday 3rd July.
Christine Blackmore has maintained her profile by being awarded the most prestigious medal that the IOM3 is able to award – the Futers Gold Medal. Christine is also the Chairperson for the IOM3 Mineral Technology Board and was responsible for setting up he very successful UK Mining Conference last year in London. The award is for outstanding services to the international minerals industry. The citation read:
Futers Gold Medal
Awarded to Christine Blackmore CSci CEng FIMMM. Christine is an Associate Director at Wardell Armstrong LLP working as a Geo-Environmentalist and Environmental Auditor with some 15 years’ experience in Environmental Management in the International Mining and Metallurgical Industry. Her expertise is mainly focused in Environmental Management and Auditing. She is an Accredited Lead Cyanide Auditor with the International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI), for the gold mining industry. She is a dedicated and enthusiastic supporter of the IOM3 having performed as the President and Secretary of the Western Institute of Mining and Minerals and responsible for turning this branch into one of the most active and successful in the UK, increasing membership, attendees at meetings and increasing the profile of the branch nationally. Christine is currently chair of the Mining Technology Division (MTD). She was also selected as one of the 100 most influential Women in Mining in 2016.
The Medal For Excellence is awarded for conspicuous contribution to the science of Mining and Mineral Processing over a number of years and in 2018 was presented to the H2020 Project Consortium FAME. Project co-ordinator, Dr Chris Broadbent (London) collected the medal alongside colleagues from WAI and FAME Partners GKZ (Germany) and Natural History Museum (London, UK). The citation read:
Medal For Excellence
Awarded to FAME (Flexible and Mobile Economic Mineral Processing Technologies). FAME, part of the EU Horizon 2020 Programme, is a mineral processing research and innovation project. It provides novel mineral processing solutions to facilitate exploitation of three common European types, skarns, greisens and pegmatites. The FAME Consortium is industry driven, comprising 16 European mineral developers, research and engineering orientated SME’s, research institutes, academia and networking companies. FAME is highly regarded with the EU as it has successfully developed innovative mineral processing flow sheets, stimulated the European mining environment and, as a highly visible project, with Global reach, has helped preserve mineral processing and mineralogical skills and expertise with Europe
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) was formed by the merger of The Institute of Materials and Institution of Mining and Metallurgy in June 2002. However, this was the culmination of a long series of mergers between learned societies with histories tracing back to 1838. Today the IOM3 is a vibrant body representing professionals whose activities encompass the entire “Materials Cycle” from exploration and extraction through characterisation, processing, forming, finishing and application, to product recycling and land re-use. It is probably the only Professional body that represents the entire materials cycle. Whilst UK based it is the Institute’s vision to be recognised as the global leader for professionals involved in minerals and mining.