Scottish Planning Awards

Bobbie Nicol Wins at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning

Graduate Landscape Architect Bobbie Nicol, from our Glasgow office, won the Designing Places Student Competition at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning last week. Below she shares a little more about the competition and awards evening.

Designing places was a student competition ran by Suzie Stirling, head of placemaking for the Scottish Government. I took part in this competition during Year 5 of my MSc in Landscape Architecture at the University of Edinburgh together with 3 other students; Kathryn Cockburn- City Planning and Registration at the University of Glasgow, Julie Papouskova- Urban Planning and Property Development at Heriot Watt University, and Elva Chan- Architecture at the University of Edinburgh.

The aim of the day was to design a place through a variety of drawing techniques and multidisciplinary team work, with placemaking at the core of the development. The site was based in North Ayrshire and was linked to the Scottish Governments Simplified Planning Zone pilot projects and, for the purpose of our task, was to become a new housing development.

The team focussed on creating a landscape led masterplan for the development site and using each person’s individual expertise created a design that emphasised; sustainability, connections, community, and a sense of ownership.

The project, which was named ‘Park. Avenue. Views.’, was judged by Rowena Statt- Anderson Bell Christie, Ian Alexander- JM Architects, George Eadie- Central Scotland Green Network, Ian Gilzean- Chief Architect, and Danny McKendry- Architecture & Design Scotland.

The design won due to the landscape led nature, the principles of the design, and the variety of techniques used to showcase the concept. The awards were presented by Suzie Stirling at the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning held at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh.

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